Tracing how L.M. Montgomery adds to Muskoka's literary lore

Lucy Maud Montgomery and Bala is a model book for educational tourism. Its highly readable 86-pages have great photos and fascinating events that portray an era in an upbeat style reflective of Jack's reporting years for the Toronto Telegram

The Hutton's book, published in 1998, reads like a folksy combination of detective story, chronicle of Muskoka cultural heritage, and travelogue. Their behind-the-scenes investigations of venues and characters that formed part of either Montgomery's saga or Muskoka's history, or both, is an artful report of explorations during which the pair gathered information for their museum.

— Review by J. Patrick Boyer

ISBN: 978-0-9683934-0-6
Bala's Museum, 1998
86 pages, 12 x 8 in
$20 CDN/USA paperback

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